Reading 1820 Blogs Daily!

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November 8, 2023
How to shop for fabric! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

It feels like I'm on a treadmill, and it's speeding up with no chance of getting off! But there's no need to panic - everything is fine. Just a tad busy. This is temporary, as December will be pretty much dead. DO NOT LAUGH! How do people do this all the time? 

The second day of training went well, and I think everyone walked out of the room filled with excitement, a bit of trepidation to remember it all, and so much work ahead of them to make samples!

I had all these plans when I got home ...

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April 25, 2023
The great thread sort continues from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

We all love to shop --- lots of goodies -- patterns, threads, fabric, and whatever else there is to buy! I started quilting in 1998, and I had no problems buying stuff. Or even worse -- getting freebies from various places. I see so many people winning things they will NEVER use -- why do they even bother to sign up for it? It's all a big marketing ploy. Sure -- they will sell or give it away, but then it will sit in someone else's house. We are KEYED to want free stuff! 

Sadly, I learned a bit too late about accumulating ...

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March 1, 2023
Fabric acquisition day from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

Well, it was a good news day, and I love that kind of day! Despite Tammy being an enabler of the quilty Post-It notes, I resisted. OK --- I thought about it and could NOT find her e-mail with the source. So it must have been meant to be! 

Nope -- the day was even better than that. I had to go to the library to pick up a book for DH. When I arrived, I looked at the other books, not that I have time to read. My audiobook will expire in the next three days, and there seems to be ...

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February 3, 2023
Phantom Steps and test drives from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

 From time to time, one must charge the Fitbit. I had plugged it in the other day, only to realize that the charger was not connected to anything! Oops. 

So I had it charging yesterday morning. I try to put my phone under the Fitbit as it charges, so as I grab my phone, I'll remember to grab the Fitbit. That did NOT happen, and I was part way through my walk with Murphy when I realized - no Fitbit. NO!! 

I was a bit dismayed, but I soon got over it. I can simply not track that distance (about ...

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May 17, 2022
Dancing in the rain from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

It was an exciting morning. I was prepping to leave the house to walk Murphy, and I saw the ominous-looking clouds and grabbed an umbrella. Then I checked the weather app, and it didn't look like we'd get rain for at least an hour. So I left the umbrella in the house, and we were off. 

BRRRR!!!!   It was a tad chilly outside. Can you tell me how we went from HOT to cool overnight? I had shorts on but wasn't going back to change. 

I stopped to take this picture of a beautiful tree in bloom ...

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March 28, 2020
So much fabric and nothing works! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

Hmm - I'm listening to and reading news about the current situation. What will we call this period when it's over? This time? The current situation? We'll have to come up with a name because it's pretty serious and is something that'll be remembered and its effects will be felt for years to come.

I see the library sent out a note that if you're looking for recommendations that they have lists of recommendations. NO - I am NOT going to check that list. I don't need any more books to read at the moment ...

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  • buying habits
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